Crăciun fericit ! 
Aurebesh este scrierea din din universul Star Wars. Alfabetul Aurebesh este forma scrisă a limbajului Star Wars, „Galactic Basic”.
Merry Christmas
Converts English into Aurebesh from the Star Wars universe. All thanks goes to David Occhino for making this font – I just put it into a translator so people can easily convert English to Aurebesh online without having to download it.
The Aurebesh alphabet is the written form of the Star Wars language, „Galactic Basic”.
If you want to learn to read Aurebesh, check out this Aurebesh trainer (mirror) that someone made.
In Klingon (Star Trek), toDwI’ma’ qoS yItIvqu’ (Our Savior’s birthday you-enjoy!)
In Mando’a (Star Wars: The Mandalorian), Briikase Oya’tuur.
In Quenya (The Lord of the Rings), Alassë a Hristomerendë (Joyous Feast of Christ)
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